Terror Alert Level

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh Mr. Speaker!

I have to wonder if the House majority leader has ever seen this. Perhaps he should! Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Wednesday Republicans would pass legislation decreeing that, absent Senate passage of a budget bill by the April 8 deadline, the measure approved by the House in February would become “the law of the land.” Have any of these so-called strict Constitutionalists ever read, or at the very least, glanced at the Constitution?

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Cognative Disconnect

Monday, December 20, 2010

Methodists, Get Out!

Via Spork, we learn of the next target of teabagger insanity. The Methodist Church.

Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips has a dream: "No more Methodist Church."

A blog post on his Tea Party Nation page says that on Friday he walked by the United Methodist Building in Washington D.C., which had a sign that said, "Pass the DREAM Act." Phillips wrote: " I have a DREAM. That is, no more United Methodist Church."

Phillips explains that he was formerly a member of the church, but he left because it's "the first Church of Karl Marx," and "little more than the "religious" arm of socialism."

Methodists may be surprised to learn this.

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