Terror Alert Level

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Went through the blogroll and removed some inactive blogs, added some new ones, fixed some broken links and tried to do some general cleaning.

New additions are:

Balloon Juice

Blag Hag

Austin Cline

CSI Without Dead Bodies

Friendly Atheist


Oliver Willis

The World According to Tony Polombo

Check 'em out!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

177/365: Blues Festival

Got to work the 16th annual Pittsburgh Blues Festival last night. First up were kids from Jimmy Adler's Blues Camp. These are high school and junior high school aged kids, and they played with much more skill than many, many musicians that I've heard on the radio lately. I'd have liked to take more pictures, but its hard to snap shots while you're working!

I also ran into Sherry who blogs at After the Bridge. I've "known" Sherry for years, pretty much since I started blogging six years ago, but we've never met in meatspace. Strange thing, the intertubes, you correspond with people, consider them friends, and yet, rarely get to meet face-to-face. Sherry and I spent about 15 minutes chatting like a couple of old friends, which in a way we are, even though we'd never met until yesterday.

Two more days of the Blues Fest. Eric Burdon and the Animals closes out tonight, and Sunday's show concludes with Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Be there if you can!

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