Terror Alert Level

Monday, October 20, 2008

On The First Day Of My Vacation...

I went to Middletown, VA for the annual Battle of Cedar Creek Reenactment. I didn't take my camera into the field for the scenarios, mostly because I'm usually too busy to take pictures. This year, I should have, as we were held in reserve for much of the action behind the artillery. I COULD have gotten some great pictures of the guns firing, the four gun battery to our left did an awesome job, and there was a 20 pounder Parrott gun on our right that made a HUGE noise every time it went off. Oh well, live and learn. It was fun being able to watch everything unfold before we were sent in, although the guy playing General Sheridan was very uninspiring this year, we didn't even realize he was rallying us until he'd ridden by! It was a great weekend, wonderful seeing all the guys again. Enjoy some of the camp shots below. Next month, Remembrance Day in Gettysburg!

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