Monday, October 18, 2004
Cedar Creek

Cedar Creek

This is the creek just a few yards from where we camped this weekend. As you know, I participated in the Cedar Creek reenactment. We had a great time! Day one we did the Second Battle of Kernstown, which gave the rebs a win, and Sunday was Cedar Creek, which gave us Feds a win! Both battles involved a lot of running away, running back, etc, but was great good fun! Due to all the running, I have no battle action shots, but you should be able to see some in a couple of days on the National Regiment's website. We were treated to a nice concert by Dave Kincaid (also see Haunted Field Music) Saturday night down by my tent. I don't have a set list, but he started with "Young America and Oulde Ireland" and finished with "Red is the Rose."